Tri-State Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is seeking new volunteers to
join and expand their program.
Tri-State Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, also known as the “Auxiliary Angels”, are a valuable part of the
hospital staff. They add that extra touch to make a patient’s stay more comfortable, and they help to
lighten the load by volunteering their time and abilities. The Tri-State Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is a
non-profit organization providing thousands of hours of service throughout the hospital. The program
currently consists of 28 volunteers and they are looking to expand that number to reach 50-60.
In 1955, a group of women volunteered to serve the new Tri-State Memorial Hospital in any way
possible. This was the beginning of the Tri-State Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. The group was originally
formed of twelve separate guilds, each of which was named after members of the original Board of
Directors of the Hospital. As the number of the Guilds decreased, the format was revised. Today, the
Auxiliary includes men and women who volunteer their time as one Auxiliary.
Interested parties can find additional information online at, by
emailing, or by calling Tri-State Human Resources at 509.758.5511, ext. 2120.
Tri-State Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is Seeking New Volunteers to Join and Expand their Program

January 12, 2023