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LAC Member Survey 2023

2023 Legislative Advocacy Survey-MCOC+VC Thank you for your feedback in assessing the legislative priorities for the Moscow Chamber of Commerce + Visitor Center. Your input is important as we prepare our 2023 Idaho Legislative agenda. This information will be used to inform conversations with our District 6 Representatives and other business support organizations. 

Contact Information

Business Profile

Is your business/organization a member of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce + Visitor Center(MCOC+VC)?(Required)
Are you interested in learning more about MCOC+VC membership?(Required)
Which category best describes your business/organization?(Required)

Please indicate the size or your business/organization?(Required)
Are all of your employees employed locally?(Required)

Business Priorities/Challenges

What are the most important challenges facing your business/organization today?(Required)
Are you experiencing difficulty hiring workers, at which skill level are you experiencing the most difficulty?(Required)
How many open positions are you trying to fill?(Required)
What is the starting wage or salary for the positions you are seeking to fill?(Required)
What type of incentives or strategies have you adopted to attract or retain talent?(Required)
Please rank the following issues with 7 being MOST important and 1 being LEAST important(Required)

Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Scams

The purpose of these questions is to find out if people in our community fell into the scam of falsely applying for the Employee Retention Credit due to marketers convincing them that they qualified and helping fill out the amendments. Please answer the following questions.
Have you received mailings or phone calls about potentially being eligible for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)?(Required)
If yes, have you been contracted with anyone to apply for these credits?(Required)
If yes, did you apply yourself (and/or use your local accountant)?(Required)


Education is the foundation to work force development and is essential to livability in our communities. The purpose of the following questions is to prepare for conversations, in the upcoming legislative session, centered on education that have both direct and indirect impacts on the business community.
Idaho currently utilizes primarily local property tax to fund the building and renovation of public school buildings. Which statement do you most support:
The state of Idaho constitution requires a 2/3 + supermajority to pass a bond election for public schools. Would you support decreasing the required supermajority to 60%
Do you support the use of taxpayer funds, (i.e. – vouchers or education savings accounts) to fund private school tuition or fees?

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feed back ensures that the MCOC+VC is accurately representing the voice of our members. An active legislative advocacy program creates a collective voice for the business membership. By establishing dialogue among business owners and community leaders, the Moscow Chamber has a tremendous impact on the economic vitality and business environment in Moscow.