July 13, 2022 (Moscow, Idaho) — The City of Moscow is seeking six sponsors for the Annual Mayor’s Golf Tournament.
Launched in 2015 by former mayor Bill Lambert and the Parks & Recreation Department, the Mayor’s Golf Tournament is now in its seventh year with Mayor Art Bettge at the helm. This charitable event has seen continual success each year, with proceeds to local non-profits averaging $2,500. The Moscow Food Bank has been selected as the 2022 non-profit to receive event proceeds, with a $3,000 donation goal in place.
Six sponsorship opportunities remain available for this year including:
- (1) $1,500 Shotgun Breakfast sponsor – NEW
- (1) $1,000 Hole-In-One sponsor
- (4) $300 General Hole sponsors
Organizations selecting sponsorships at $550 or more receive a complimentary team entry to participate in the tournament as part of their sponsorship package.
This year’s tournament is scheduled for Fri., Aug. 12 at the University of Idaho Golf Course.
Interested organizations and businesses are to contact the Community Events Division at 208-883-7132 or communityevents@ci.moscow.id.us for a sponsorship package.