March 7, 2022 (Moscow, Idaho) — The City of Moscow will host a virtual open house on the recently developed draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) on Mar. 9, from 6 to 7 pm via Zoom. The open house can be accessed by visiting with passcode 83843. The virtual open house will allow the public to learn more about the proposed CAP and be a forum for the public to provide feedback and ask questions.

The draft CAP is a culmination of the City’s ongoing efforts to mitigate the organization’s impacts on climate change. The City recently realized a 20% reduction in carbon emissions based on a plan adopted in 2010. The current draft CAP includes feedback from a wide range of community participants, professionals, and partners in various related fields. The draft CAP is available for public review online at and in-person at 201 North Main Street. The plan will be available, and comments will be accepted through Mar. 26 through the website noted above or via email to:

The draft CAP provides steps for the City as an organization to reach net-zero emissions by 2035. At a workshop in September 2021, the City Council instructed staff also to set community-wide goals as part of the CAP. The plan sets a goal for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, with an interim goal for a 56% reduction by 2030. To meet these goals, the draft CAP outlines key strategies and actions in areas such as power grid decarbonization, building efficiency and electrification, renewable energy, reduction of vehicle trips, waste reduction, water conservation, and augmentation of the urban tree canopy.

Following the public input period, the Moscow City Council will hold a workshop to review the draft CAP on Apr. 25.