Pursuant to City Code Title 5, Chapter 17, establishing an outdoor irrigation season, the Deputy City Administrator-Public Works and Services, Tyler Palmer, has consulted with appropriate staff, researched temperature and precipitation information, and determined that the 2024 outdoor irrigation season for the City of Moscow shall end on Monday, September 30th, 2024. Water customers of the City of Moscow are reminded that outdoor irrigation through means other than hand application is prohibited outside of the outdoor irrigation season.
Additional irrigation information is located at the City of Moscow website:  
Questions regarding this outdoor irrigation season should be directed to Kelli Cooper, Sustainability Programs Coordinator, at (208) 883-7122, or Jenifer Rossini, Administrative Specialist, at (208) 883-7230.

Story Contact: Tyler Palmer, Public Works Director – Deputy City Administrator
Phone: (208) 883-7096
Email: tpalmer@ci.moscow.id.us